Our Live Hosting Plans come complete with a free WebSite Creation tool and 52 free scripts.
Get started building your website in 3 easy steps:
- Login to SiteBuilder (demo)
- Select a website template & add content
- Publish to your web hosting account
Get started building your website in 3 easy steps:
The extraordinary reach of the internet delivers a powerful punch like no other media can match. More people are using the internet, now more than ever. Even more than the yellow pages! If you do not have an internet presence, you are losing business.
Live Advertising Group, the parent company of Live Hosting Company, can create you that web presence and in a variety of price points.
Web Hosting Features…
- Unlimited Disk Space and Bandwidth
- Flexible, Easy to Use Control Panel
- Unlimited Sub Domains, FTP Accounts, and Email Accounts
- 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
- No Contract with a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Free With Each Web Hosting Plan…
- Free SiteBuilder and SiteStudio Website Building Tools
- 4,500 Free Website Templates (View Website Templates)
- Free Website Transfer, Domain Transfer, MySQL Transfer, Script Transfer
- 52 Free scripts can be instantly installed on your account with a few clicks
- $50 in Google Adwords Credit
Control Panel Features…
- Latest cPanel Control Panel
- Website Statistics: AWStats, Webalizer, Raw Log Manager, Referrer and Error Logs
- Fantastico: Instant Shopping Carts, Blogs, Portals, Forums, Counters, Formmail
- Password Protected Directories and Custom Error Pages
- Web Based File Manager, Hotlink Protection, IP Deny Manager, Redirect URL
Programming and Database Features…
- Unlimited MySQL Databases with phpMyAdmin Access
- Programming Language: CGI, Fast CGI, PHP 5, Ruby on Rails, Perl, Python, SSI
- Programming Modules: Curl, CPAN, GD Library, ImageMagick
- System Management: SSH Access and Cron Job Scheduling
- FrontPage Extensions
Email Features…
- Unlimited POP3 Email Accounts with SMTP
- WebMail Access: Horde, SquirrelMail, RoundCube
- Receive your email to your phone via IMAP Support
- Prevent spam with SpamAssassin
- Unlimited Autoresponders, Mail Forwards, Email Aliases, Mailing Lists
Don’t have the time it takes to create your own website but you know that your business needs one? We know the steps it takes to produce a profitable website.
Creating a profitiable website is a 4 step process:
LIVE Hosting Company and our affiliate, Live Advertising Group, can take you through the process: